Many of those in our South Richmond community have been affected by increasing rent, utility and necessity costs. Please help our Society of volunteers to assist them.
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
Sacred Heart Perry Street Richmond VA Conference
A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to those in need.
our motto
"No work of charity is foreign to the Society."
Richmond Eviction Diversion Program (EDP)
1-833-633-8428, press 4
Better Housing Coalition
Emergency Shelter
Housing Crisis Line
The Salvation Army
rent/ mortgage-assistance link
Feed More
Our Lady of Lourdes
Human Concerns Ministry
8200 Woodman Rd.
Richmond, VA 23228
Discounted, and sometimes free clothing, may be available for people in need of assistance. A small charge may be in effect for items.description
The Salvation Army of Central Virginia and Richmond
2 W. Grace St.
Richmond, VA 23241
The center has a thrift store on site. Income qualified residents can receive a voucher that they can use to purchase clothing from the Salvation Army Thrift Store. In order to qualify the applicant needs to have a referral from a social worker or professional from another government agency. Appointments are necessary for any assistance, including clothing. Free School supplies, (backpacks, book bags, and other goods) may be available during the fall.
SVPD Thrift Store
2611 Buford Road,
N. Chesterfield, VA, 23235
The thrift store offers a variety of items including clothing and accessories in addition to houseware, decorations, seasonal items and more.
Energy Assistance - Richmond, Virginia Department of Social Services
Dial 211
The Salvation Army
Virginia’s Medicaid and FAMIS programs for children, pregnant women and adults.
Dial 211
Daily Planet
(Primary Care,
Dental Care, and
Mental Health)
180 E. Belt Boulevard
804-292-3011 x311 (Sp)